Saturday, February 27, 2010

How it Could Have Been

At one point in my life I considered (seriously) becoming an elementary school teacher. Sometimes, when I am sitting at my desk at work writing long, boring, technical documents that no one will ever actually read I think, "I wonder what life would be like if I had become a teacher. At the very least, I would get human interaction, I would be doing something noble, and I would be out of here by 3. Not to mention, summers off!"

Then I host an 8 year old's birthday party, to which I insisted she invite every girl in the class instead of just most of them--I don't like Elsa to be "cliquey" and didn't want any one's feelings hurt.

So, three hours of 19 screaming children later, I think to myself, "Nope, life is good. Technical writing is good."

P.S. There are no pictures to post because I forgot to take a camera and even if I had had one, it's hard to be the photographer and do crowd control at a riot. I will get a good shot of my pretty eight-year-old and post it in the next day or two.

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