Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's in the Genes

You know those kids you see at the Skating Rink that are just itty-bitty but they go whizzing by you doing tricks at speeds you think should be illegal without a licence? And you think, "how does someone that small stay upright let alone skate circles around us regular Schmoes?"

Well...give her three weeks:

This was her apprehensive face before we went out there. This was her first time on wheels and she was nervous. The nerves lasted until about three seconds after her skates hit the floor. In the event of a couples' skate, it's always good to have a sister. Just don't say the "G" word (as in "Go" as in "time to...") she hates that.
My grandparents met at a skating rink, my cousins and I grew up at one, and I will admit to an occasional disco-skate night still. So I guess this is just kind-of in my kids' blood.

Yes, my girls DO skate upside down.

Adele is still working on one little skill. She stays up pretty good, but getting up is a whole other story.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Stomp! (Toddler Style)

I know it's a generally acknowledged fact that I simply and absolutely hate to boast about my children, but I have to say that if the producers of Stomp! should chance to see the video below, I would more than likely be contacted about allowing her to join the cast.

The Wiggles are ganna be sorry they let this little gold mine of talent slip through their woddly-poddly fingers.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Spoils

Wanna confuse a one-and-a-half -year-old?

Wrap some boxes in pretty papers, put them under a sparkling tree and tell the child, "don't touch."

Then, one day, allow her to rip all the boxes apart and keep whatever she finds inside. Do this after giving her a sock full of chocolate.
She is now under the impression that Christmas is pretty cool.
She got a pretty exciting toy kitchen, which she spends a good amount of time "cooking" in. She then brings us plastic dishes full of the imaginary food she has prepared and warns us that, in a word, it's "hooooooooooooooot." It also came with an imaginary phone, and the imaginary phone bill is likely to be astronomical she has called so many people on it already.
Ben was less confused. I think he found the whole thing kind of annoying actually, as it disrupted his routine. However, he found a few things to put in his mouth, which is always good.

Elsa is now the proud owner of a robotic penguin (because Santa was fresh out of robo-horses you can ride and feed, like she asked for, as well as out of robots who clean rooms and teach classes, I guess Santa's Elves had a slow production year).

And the three of them are co-owners of this new sweet ride. Here is footage of its maiden voyage:

Don't worry, Benjamin was not on-board. He will probably opt to wait on riding till he's mastered sitting-up solo, and if he's like Adele, that could be another six months.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Little Mommies

Gosh I am lucky. Elsa has adored Adele since the day she was born, and Adele thinks Elsa is so super-cool and lights up when she sees her. And Elsa just swoons for Ben, and when Adele sees Ben she squeals and demands to be allowed to kiss him. And when Benjamin sees either of his sisters he grins and follows them with his eyes and kicks with total delight. My kids all love one another so much and they will never ever fight and it will stay like this forever and ever, right?

My first little girl was doll crazy. But my second can take em' or leave 'em--mostly leave 'em.

But Elsa got this doll out of the basement. It laughs, cries, wiggles its legs and Elsa also brought up a stroller for the doll and a pacifier and she gave them all to Adele. Adele LOVES this baby (sometimes) and loves pushing a stroller.

Elsa's interests have evolved from dolls to actual babies. The second I put Benjamin down, Elsa swoops in and steals him.

The other night, Elsa got down on the floor and started to read to him. This made him smile. So she kept going, and he kept smiling. He looked intently at the book too. This went on for about 40-50 min, which is the equivalent of a long weekend when you convert that into parent-of-an-infant years.

Please disregard the over-turned stroller and the discarded baby-doll in the image above.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Christmas Tree Decorating Process

A couple of weeks ago I decided I had better get the Christmas stuff out. I brought the boxes upstairs and left them sitting for a few minutes before my helpful, helpful child decided to check things out. She dug into the box of ornaments and began laying them out along the top of my box...the one that contained the Christmas tree. See the problem?

Nor did she.

Ryan and I put the ornaments on the floor and got the tree up and then Adele took charge. She caught on quickly that the "pretties" go on the tree. And she designed a process for getting them there. We each had our tasks and NOBODY was to deviate from his or her assigned role.

I was the ornament lay-er-out-er. It was my job to pull each one out of the box, attach a hook, and put it on the floor in an orderly manner.
Adele was the transporter. You can guess what she did. She could carry up to two at a time. (Don't you dare try to hang three or more off her finger for her, she CANNOT do more than two and you are a horrible person if you try to make her.)
And Dad was really mostly in charge of design of the upper level. Adele had the lower level covered. Her philosophy is that the ornaments look best if you hang them all in the exact same branch.

About once a day since we have gotten the tree up, Adele leads me into the parlor (yes, it IS a parlor people!) and points to the tree. Then she says, "a babla lob lob ta da ba ta boggie sur deeeee." She grins and laughs as she says this, so I try not to disagree with her. She is pretty proud of her work.

Merry Christmas?

I didn't intend to take them to Santa, so they were not dolled up for the occasion. But, we were walking by on a Friday night, a week before Christmas, and there was not a line.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ben and Zaylor (Maybe I will just start calling them "the Scotts")

Pssst. Come here.

Wanna see something scary?


No! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

OK stop panicking. We didn't have another kid since the last time you saw us. This is Benjamin's cousin Zaylor. He and his sister Zoey came to hang out tonight.

He makes my teeny-tiny, fragile, little bitty Benny look so huge! (They are about 3 months apart.)
They talked a bit, discovered they had similar interests (bottles, pacifiers, older sisters, and middle of the night parties) and then...
The socialization wiped them both out.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Adele's New Favorite Activity

She has started spinning in circles for the last couple of weeks. I'm not sure why, but apparently it's a blast. She also likes to pretend that she falls down.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Daddy Wrangler!

Cattle rustler or bounty hunter?
Rodeo or circus performer?
Masseuse or flee remover?

"The Gray Outfit"

My mom sent me a little gray long-john looking suit for Elsa when she was born. It was/is one of my favorites.

This is Elsa wearing it when she was a couple of months old. And this is Adele, at six weeks. Complete with hat. Uh...I don't think this was her favorite one though.
And this is Benjamin wearing it. We machoed it up a bit for him, and as we all know, nothing says macho like a blue rhino.