Friday, December 17, 2010

The Christmas Tree Decorating Process

A couple of weeks ago I decided I had better get the Christmas stuff out. I brought the boxes upstairs and left them sitting for a few minutes before my helpful, helpful child decided to check things out. She dug into the box of ornaments and began laying them out along the top of my box...the one that contained the Christmas tree. See the problem?

Nor did she.

Ryan and I put the ornaments on the floor and got the tree up and then Adele took charge. She caught on quickly that the "pretties" go on the tree. And she designed a process for getting them there. We each had our tasks and NOBODY was to deviate from his or her assigned role.

I was the ornament lay-er-out-er. It was my job to pull each one out of the box, attach a hook, and put it on the floor in an orderly manner.
Adele was the transporter. You can guess what she did. She could carry up to two at a time. (Don't you dare try to hang three or more off her finger for her, she CANNOT do more than two and you are a horrible person if you try to make her.)
And Dad was really mostly in charge of design of the upper level. Adele had the lower level covered. Her philosophy is that the ornaments look best if you hang them all in the exact same branch.

About once a day since we have gotten the tree up, Adele leads me into the parlor (yes, it IS a parlor people!) and points to the tree. Then she says, "a babla lob lob ta da ba ta boggie sur deeeee." She grins and laughs as she says this, so I try not to disagree with her. She is pretty proud of her work.

1 comment:

Tiffy Ann said...

She is a little cutie pie!!!