Sunday, December 19, 2010

Little Mommies

Gosh I am lucky. Elsa has adored Adele since the day she was born, and Adele thinks Elsa is so super-cool and lights up when she sees her. And Elsa just swoons for Ben, and when Adele sees Ben she squeals and demands to be allowed to kiss him. And when Benjamin sees either of his sisters he grins and follows them with his eyes and kicks with total delight. My kids all love one another so much and they will never ever fight and it will stay like this forever and ever, right?

My first little girl was doll crazy. But my second can take em' or leave 'em--mostly leave 'em.

But Elsa got this doll out of the basement. It laughs, cries, wiggles its legs and Elsa also brought up a stroller for the doll and a pacifier and she gave them all to Adele. Adele LOVES this baby (sometimes) and loves pushing a stroller.

Elsa's interests have evolved from dolls to actual babies. The second I put Benjamin down, Elsa swoops in and steals him.

The other night, Elsa got down on the floor and started to read to him. This made him smile. So she kept going, and he kept smiling. He looked intently at the book too. This went on for about 40-50 min, which is the equivalent of a long weekend when you convert that into parent-of-an-infant years.

Please disregard the over-turned stroller and the discarded baby-doll in the image above.


Julie L said...

What an awesome experience to watch Elsa growing up! Love that last photo most of all.

Shai said...

They are such cuties! I miss them! I hope you guys can make it down soon!