Saturday, February 26, 2011

Elsa's Birthday

What you see below is a little girl who is 8 years, 364 days, and 15 hours old. Or, as she would tell you, (and as she has been telling people for months now) "practically nine." But, she does not complete a year until 6:21 PM on Feb. 26th. This photo was taken this morning well before 6:21 PM.
She got a new haircut last night, and she is now sporting layers. I made her model them for the camera. (Note the eye roll. That is directed at me.)

And here she is modelling her birthday girl threads. (Hey 2011, 1985 called, it wants its style back!)

Zoey was kind enough to help with the picture taking. You can tell we had a couple of camera shy girlies at my place today, right?

Any one want to guess who came up with this one?

The Mayan restaurant threw Elsa a big bash. They had guys jumping off the ceiling today and everything.

And the cake was terrifying as you can see.

The cool end of the table.
The lighting in the Mayan isn't great for photos. Also, aren't photo orbs supposed to be ghosts. This one is probably a Mayan princess I imagine.
And we got a special visit from the Mayan cliff-diving tribesmen themselves.

*At the time of this post's publication, Elsa was 9 years, o days, 0 hours, and sixteen minutes old.


Julie L said...

I LOVE the hairdo! She looks too grown up, though. Happy Birthday, Elsa! What a fun, fun party! It's been forever since I've been to the Mayan. I forgot how fun that place is.

Shai said...

I am so bummed that Oakley didn't get to come hang out, that dang weather! Elsa'a haircut is super cute! Gives it alot of body! I love Adele cheesing in her pictures! Wow she does smile!:)

Tiffy Ann said...

Happy Birthday to Elsa. Wish we could have been there to help celebrate!