Friday, May 4, 2012

Fun Times in the Sun

More from our trip to AZ. We went to a place called "Out of Africa". 

They let Daddy hold a snake. Gross. 

On our safari, we saw a herd of zebra. And an ostrich. Both up very close.
And, up close, we also saw tigers! I don't know if you can tell from this picture, but we were VERY close to these two napping tigers. I think if they weren't so hot and lazy, they might have made the short jump over the fence and bitten our faces off.
As it was, they seemed pretty content to lay there and not jump over the fence or bite our faces off.
It was so deep under the water I could not get a good shot of it, but that is an alligator she's smiling at. (Not a crocodile, she would never smile at a crocodile.)
This was before the Tiger Splash show, which was very cool. Elsa informs me that when she grows up, she would like to be one of the animal trainers who goes behind the fence and romps with the tigers. I said no. She said it was her dream. I said no. She informed me that I don't have any say about what she does after she is 18. Won't she be surprised?
And this was a snake. It was big. Adele was petting it toward the back, but then it lifted its head and slithered forward a bit. Some of the other people there moved back because the snake's motion was unnerving to them. Adele followed the head and got as close to the front of it as they would let her. I think she would have kissed the darn thing if they had let her. Who does she belong to?
Ben was not scared. But he was not very eager to get any closer either.
My dad put us up in a hotel while we were there.  This was the breakfast room (full hot buffet every morning). The morning buffet was Benjamin's favorite part of the trip, I am pretty sure.

And the pool was Elsa's. I know who she belongs to.

We also found a little train that circled a very pretty little park.

One day, we had so much excitement that Ben had to be carried in.


Lisa said...

So I haven't checked blogs for a while....but, I know for a FACT that you are not real fond of snakes :)

Lisa said...

So I haven't checked blogs for a while...but, I know for a FACT that you are not real fond of snakes :)