Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Independence Day

Ben and Delie were pretty sick the first part of the weekend, and still recovering on the 4th, so we spent the holiday bumming around at home. This is something we need to do more of, it was very nice.

But, fittingly, 'cause it was Independence Day, my girls spent the day exerting theirs.

Adele can pull Benjamin in the wagon ALL BY HERSELF! NO HELP, IF YOU PLEASE!

She pulled him all the way to the park up the street. She even pulled him up the steep hill (maybe there was a little motor power assistance from Mommy behind the wagon for that part).

And then, *sniff*, my baby girl Elsa, who, it seems like yesterday, just learned to ride an itty-bitty pink two wheeler, hopped on my old mountain bike and rode it around like she owned it (she does now).
It does not seem like very long ago at all that I rode this very bike with her strapped into the tiny baby seat on the back of it. She used to kick me in the booty with her little toddler toes while I rode her around town.

Time goes so fast.

Well, at least Ben has consented to be my little baby "Benjamonkey" for a little bit longer.

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