Saturday, July 16, 2011

Presents and Cake

After our picnic, we figured we needed a little dessert.

These were the cake decorators:
My little birthday boy:
His loot:

His own water bottle (with a pirate on it!) from his Elsa:

And a colorful caterpillar from his big sister Elsa too:

Some VERY exciting cars from Aunt Jann.

And Sueky brought the future rock star a guitar. (I don't know if Adele will let him play with it though.)

So, here is my usually hands-in-everything spazz-boy who is perpetually hungry being presented with a cake and told he may go to town on it.

He refused. He would not even taste it. He barely touched it (he was so tired I guess).
So we put him to bed, and we put the cake to good use:

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