Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Let's Catch Up

Although I have not posted for a while, I have gotten some cute, nay, adorable shots. Here are the highlights:

Adele still likes pacifiers. Kinda a lot. Is it possible to O.D. on binki?
We have not been to the mall much lately, what with the outdoors being so nice. But we made a trip the other night. Ben is really close to walking on his own (we hope and pray he is, anyway):
I was out shopping with the two little ones, killin' time until Costco opened. I noticed an all kids' haircut place and realized Ben was in need. So we popped in. He was reticent at first, but then they blew bubbles:
I wasn't going to do Adele, but they had a pink car she was pretty sure she NEEDED to sit down in:
Also, Ben has learned a new stroller trick. Don't try this at home folks, he's a professional:

Speakin' of shopping with the little ones, how on Earth did people manage before shopping carts were designed to seat multiple children?
This one seats up to four comfortably. The other day I was there and saw a mother actually pushing a cart filled to child-capacity. I thought I was frazzled!
Benjamin is learning to use crayons. We may have to hold off on Kindergarten for a bit....
A few weeks ago, both of my little ones were fevered and out of it, so we had a jammie and relax day:

We got plenty of fluids, and everyone recovered just fine:

1 comment:

Betânia Belan said...

Beautiful Family, Beautiful.