Sunday, September 4, 2011

Milkin' the Summer While it Lasts

No need to worry, we bailed her out a few hours after this photo was taken.
Actually, the mini jail is just one of the exciting things you can see at Thanksgiving Point.

Saturday we packed some snacks, water, and babies on our bikes and rode them to Thanksgiving Point for some Summer-is-waning-but-we-are-not-letting-go-just-yet-fun!

We went to farm land where for a mere $5 you can pet a baby goat:
Throw oats to some ducks and pigs:
Moo at a cow:
(Yip, we did moo at it.)

And ride a pony! (Guess which part Adele liked best):
In the main plaza of Thanksgiving Point there is this contraption:
See the yellow levers? What you do is pull them, or stand near by while someone else pulls them and you may get a little mist of water, or nothing, or a giant splash from above, below, or the middle, or it may just shoot a stream, or explode and soak anyone in range. Think water Russian Roulette:

1 comment:

Julie L said...

Fun seeing you today! This is our grandchildren's favorite place to go, too! And of course, the ponies are the number one hit for all of them. I love your title with all the pictures, too. Lots of creativity going on there, Em.