Delie looked so pretty in her dress today, but she refused to hold still for more than a three second pose. Impossible to properly photograph a moving target, but here are my best efforts.
I said to go stand by Elsa, she hugged her and told her good-bye instead: Then she insisted on pulling on her dress and pouting when I suggested she NOT pull on her dress. So to make her happy, Daddy said, "I'm ganna get you." Of course, to her this sounded like, "Time to run away!" My beautiful Elsa: More attempts at getting Adele in a good shot: I have no idea why this pose happened, but the wall was happy to get the support. I thought we might have a chance at a good picture at church too. No luck. C'est la vie.
I dunno, anyway, here is what one looks like. Adele helped Cade find lots of eggs, as she was worried he'd be sad if he did not get enough. At least I am pretty sure that is what was going on. Pretty sure Oakley was doing something incredibly interesting. Spoils of war.
We spent Saturday in Delta for fun, frolic, egg-huntin', cousin playin', delicious chicken eatin', etc. for Easter.
I am on a never ending quest to get a picture of all three of my kids together, with eyes open, looking at the camera, and, if it's not too much to ask, with smiles. We attempted a photo shoot in Nana's yard in Delta. This was that best we got. I don't know if you can tell, but I have one kid who is a little harder to get to sit still than the others. Just a little... I don't know what was down there, but it was pretty cool.
I felt a little bit like the paparazzi following three kids from behind who didn't know they were being photographed. But hey, you add the right sound track to this and you have the perfect ending to a sappy movie right?
My Benjamonkey was sick this last weekend and part of the week. He had a high fever, runny eyes, and was generally miserable. He was extra cuddly though, you know, since he didn't want to move, talk, play, or be put down. He slept most of the time most days, and when he was awake, he just wanted to be held and not messed with.
So we just had to hold the little man. Elsa, who is on Spring Break, volunteered to handle most of the required holding on her own. He came down with a fever Friday, and had a rough night Friday, Sat, then Sunday night I thought for sure I was going to lose him - he was burning up all night and I could not get him to drink. Then, Monday morning:
Ryan turned on the vacuum which caused Ben, who was on the floor several feet away, to tremble, and Adele, who dove into the easy chair for safety when she saw him coming, to shudder and tear up. I picked Ben up and gestured to Adele, she held out her arms and I put him in them. They snuggled and both watched Dad vacuum with complete composure.
Elsa came home so we had the cake and sang her the song and Elsa gave her this doll, which is now her always ready "Ashes" partner. She also got a car. She it really in to cars.
Elsa is not here this weekend so we are holding the cake and candles for Monday night when Elsa gets home. So Saturday we kept it casual, but she got a couple of presents.
Her Poppa Bob sent her some birthday money so I took her to the store to see what would strike her fancy. We tried out tricycles but she didn't like them. Then she saw one of these beauties and she informed me that we needed it at "home, home, home."
I think she must have one of these at her sitter's house because she knew just what to do:
Then, somehow, she actually fell off. I guess that is not so surprising, but how she landed in this position we will never know:
She also got to open the present her Aunt Jann sent her.
By the way, the answer to the question, "What is on your shirt?" is "A little white doggie!"
She also received a video singing telegram from a certain up and coming singing sister act out of Las Vegas.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you "The Brooks Triplets" (otherwise known as "Miss Tyda and the Crazies") in their cover of the Hill Sisters' 1893 hit song "Happy Birthday to You":
Adele enjoyed it. She played it over and over and after each time she said, "Mommy, again, 'gain!"