Friday, April 15, 2011

Sicky Boy

My Benjamonkey was sick this last weekend and part of the week. He had a high fever, runny eyes, and was generally miserable. He was extra cuddly though, you know, since he didn't want to move, talk, play, or be put down. He slept most of the time most days, and when he was awake, he just wanted to be held and not messed with.

So we just had to hold the little man. Elsa, who is on Spring Break, volunteered to handle most of the required holding on her own.

He came down with a fever Friday, and had a rough night Friday, Sat, then Sunday night I thought for sure I was going to lose him - he was burning up all night and I could not get him to drink. Then, Monday morning:

1 comment:

Lisa said...

It is quite funny at our house also to keep mommy up all night. Just real frickin' hilarious.
Don't let your kids get grown before I get to see them again.