Saturday, January 7, 2012

Snow Day (California Style)

It has been strangely not cold this year, for this time of year. Light jackets, coats on some days, but you are a little hot. It's like being home in Southern California almost!

Well if finally snowed today...just like it does in in the Mojave. It drizzled a bit of snow down, about an inch, that barely stuck, and only in some places. Then the sun came out.

So we did what Californians do when it snows. We rushed outside and played in it before it melted two hours later!

They went up and down the hill a good fifty times I am sure. On one run, Ben flipped out and landed face first in the snow. I thought he would scream, but Ry picked him up, Ben spit his mouth of snow out, and then the only yelling he did was at Ryan to put him back in the sled!!!

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